Coordinated Whine

Tue, 14/05/2024 - 03:30
Tue, 14/05/2024 - 03:30
This obviously coordinated “mental anguish” and “torture” line seems like a double edged sword to me. Plenty of Americans have been involved with the legal system and those who haven’t have seen trials, both real and fictional, portrayed on television for years. They’ve even been exposed to the Manhattan courts in the “Law and Order” series for decades. They know what this process looks like. Saying Trump, the alleged alpha male, is being tortured by having to endure it isn’t exactly a compliment. If it’s true then someone needs to tell Trump to man up. His surrogates are making him sound like a wimp. But if the shoe fits… Oh, and by the way, Tuberville going after the jury is really something. That guy is brain damaged — and evil.