You are one-fifth of a person to Donald Trump Donald Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen is trestifying this morning in Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial. He’s begun by explaining how Trump would would instruct him to pay creditors twenty cents on the dollar. Take it or get nothing. Even for struggling small, family businesses. Screw you. Anna Bower (Lawfare correspondent) tweets (thread): Before Cohen moved over to Trump Org, Cohen presented Trump with a bill for 100K, which Trump owed for work Cohen’s firm did on a real estate transaction. Trump told Cohen to come work for Trump Org, and Cohen agreed. Later, when Cohen mentioned the bill owed to his law firm, Trump said “Do you want to get fired on your first day?” The bill never got paid, Cohen says. Cohen said that he always reported directly to Trump. There were times when he asked Cohen to negotiate payments or bills. He provides an example: Trump University ran into trouble, and there were vendors who were unpaid. Cohen contacted the vendors, negotiated a reduction in what was owed. Mens rea on two legs Trump did not use email. Trump once commented to Cohen: “There are too many people who have gone down as a direct result of having emails.” Cohen testifies that Trump warned him that when his presidential campaign was announced, a lot of women would be coming forward. Around the time that the campaign began, Trump expressed concern about negative stories coming out about him. He told Cohen:…