Get Ready, America

Sun, 26/05/2024 - 08:30
Sun, 26/05/2024 - 08:30
Media Matters has issued an important report on how they are already planning to contest the election: It was clear just a few months after Trump’s seditious plot to subvert the 2020 presidential election concluded with a violent mob of his supporters storming the U.S. Capitol that the right-wing propaganda apparatus was laying the groundwork to try again in 2024. Fox News and the rest of the MAGA media, which spent the weeks after the 2020 election fabricating and amplifying a host of election fraud lies and conspiracy theories to undermine the results, had begun working to institutionalize Trump’s lie that the 2020 election had been stolen from him and to construct an alternative path to the presidency in which compliant party officials would secure a Republican victory by any means necessary. Fox had become a loaded gun aimed at American democracy. Three years later, the bullet is in the chamber.  The disinformation ecosystem which revolves around Fox is telegraphing a plan to reject the results of the 2024 election if Trump loses. The former president’s propagandists will once again use baseless allegations of widespread fraud as a pretext to seek to overturn the vote — and GOP leaders are publicly signaling their willingness to comply. Please click over and read the whole thing. It’s vital that we are aware of what they’re planning. And I would just add that the non-stop mainstream media coverage of the polling showing that the race is essentially tied but framing it as Biden losing in a landslide (along with the usual…