Public opinion polls about the current presidential race are mystifying in a lot of ways. How can it be that the twice impeached, convicted felon Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party again? As inexplicable as it is to many of us I think after eight years we have to just accept the fact that almost half the country is beguiled by the man while the other half looks on in abject horror. and carry on from there. But as much as we may be dismayed by this adoration and fealty to Trump the man, it’s still maddening that so many voters, even including Democrats, insist that everything was so much better when Donald Trump was president. By almost any measure it was an epic shit show and I can’t believe that people have forgotten what it was really like. One obvious explanation is that he lies relentlessly about his record and after a while people start to believe him. According to him we had unprecedented prosperity, the greatest foreign policy, the safest, the cleanest, the most peaceful world in human history and it immediately turned into a toxic dystopia upon his departure. The reality was far different. From the day after the election it was a non-stop scandal. Even in the early days of the transition there were substantial and well founded charges of corruption, nepotism and collusion with foreign adversaries which led to the early firing of his National Security advisor, the subsequent firing of…