Support the Modern Money Network

Thu, 21/09/2017 - 10:49
Thu, 21/09/2017 - 10:49

Dear Friend,

Since the 2008 Financial Crisis, macroeconomic issues have taken center stage in world politics. Increasingly, to understand what is going on in the world around them, students, academics and citizens need to grapple with questions and concepts relating to monetary and financial system design. The traditional economics curriculum and orthodox analysis is not well equipped to impart even a basic understanding of such issues.

To address this gap, The Modern Money Network, an educational non-profit organization, has partnered with various organizations including The University of Missouri at Kansas City, The Binzagr Institute, The National Jobs for All Coalition, The Levy Institute, The Urban Academy Laboratory High School and The Debt Collective in order to develop Symposia and Curricula aimed at introducing students, academics, activists and citizens to a comprehensive understanding of our monetary system, as well as the various historical, political and social debates that underpin it.

MMN’s mission is to promote the public understanding of money and finance through education, discussion and scholarship. Our conferences, seminars and speaking series have received the generous participation of a number of academic economists and public policy figures including:

  • Stephanie Kelton – Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri Kansas City, Former Chief Economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee and Economic Advisor to the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign
  • Donna Howard – Former Chief of the Financial Markets Department at the Bank of Canada and Advisor to the Governor of the Bank of Canada
  • Frank Newman – former Undersecretary and Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury

Given our current precarious political climate, more and more people are looking for alternatives to our broken economic system and failing to find them in the tired and rehashed voices of orthodox economists and the established commentariat class. Now is a pivotal moment in our organization’s history. Earlier this year The Nation called out the rock-star appeal of MMN and the ideas behind it. To help realize that rock-star appeal we need your support!

Our initiative requires time and resources. To be a citizen requires being informed about the most important issues of the day. Finance and money are at the center of all the most important public policy debates across the world today and education, if it is to produce active citizens, must reflect that reality. If you would like to help MMN grow by continuing to develop educational materials, organizing conferences and increasing our reach and visibility in public life and the policy debates that will shape the coming years, please consider making a tax deductible donation to Modern Money Network, Ltd.

Sincerely yours,

Genia Gokhmark
Treasurer, Modern Money Network