The Snowflake Right

Tue, 10/01/2023 - 06:00
Tue, 10/01/2023 - 06:00
Judd Legum’s newsletter today reports on an English teacher in Florida who is leading a charge to ban books. She’s doing all the usual banning of LGBTQ material but also wants to make sure her white high school students aren’t made “uncomfortable” by having to read books about race: Vicki Baggett, an English teacher at Northview High School in Florida, is pushing for the Escambia County School District to remove nearly 150 books from school libraries. In an interview last month, Baggett told Popular Information that she is challenging books like When Wilma Rudolph Played Basketball — the story of a sprinter who overcame racial discrimination to become an Olympic champion — because she’s concerned the book could make white students “feel uncomfortable.” Baggett said she has “a responsibility to protect minors” from this kind of content.  While Baggett claims she is keeping inappropriate content away from children, her former and current students tell Popular Information that Baggett openly promoted racist and homophobic beliefs in class.  Peggy Sunday, who graduated from Northview in 2021, told Popular Information that, during a 10th-grade English class, Baggett said she opposed interracial marriage. “[Baggett] said in the Bible somewhere it says that it is a sin for races to mix together and that whites are meant to be with whites and blacks are meant to be with blacks,” Sunday alleged. About 15 students, from a variety of racial backgrounds, were enrolled in the class. Another student in the same class, Stone Pressley, recalled the same incident. Pressley…