The “Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update” will be adding a new feature: book reviews that appear in academic journals. The Weekly Update already includes sections for book reviews at Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews and in non-academic venues. To this, we’ll be adding “Open-Access Book Reviews in Academic Journals.” To make this work, the journals have to send in the reviews. In order to be included in this section, book reviews must be: open-access published no earlier than January 2023, published in an academic philosophy journal or, if published in a non-philosophy journal, be a review of a book authored by a philosopher, and submitted by email to in the following format: “[Book Title] by [Book Author] is reviewed by [Review Author] in [Journal Title]”, where Journal Title must embed a link to the web page on which the book review appears (not to the journal’s homepage or table of contents). The Weekly Updates appear on Mondays. Normally, if you send in the links by Friday afternoon they can be included in the coming week’s edition. (Thanks to Lisa Bortolotti (Birmingham), the editor of Philosophical Psychology, for the suggestion.)