The Quintessential Trumper

Wed, 01/02/2023 - 07:30
Wed, 01/02/2023 - 07:30
The son of Indian immigrants,convicted drug dealer, Bannon acolyte and George Santos staffer. You have to read this whole thing because it is literally unbelievable. These excerpts alone are enough to make you grab for the tequila bottle. I pick it up in the middle: During his college years, Burra built what he described to TPM as a drug dealing “empire.” It came crashing down in mid-2014 when he was busted with over two pounds of marijuana and a small amount of hallucinogens. Burra said he got into the business in pursuit of “respect.” “I wanted people to realize that I was the best in the room,” he explained.  Not long after Burra’s drug bust, Trump launched his first presidential campaign. Burra found himself increasingly pulled to the world of Republican politics. Trump’s contradictory brand of hypercapitalist anti-establishment populism spoke to Burra.  “I’ve had my own red pilling experiences slowly over time, but it all clicked with Trump,” Burra said, using an online right phrase for awakening.  Criminals do tend to be attracted to him. He explains that he went against all his family and friends and lo ed the feeling and decided to go all MAGA: Shortly after Trump took office in 2017, Burra got in deeper. He went to his first meeting of the Staten Island Young Republicans, and also checked out the New York Young Republican Club, which bills itself as the nation’s “oldest and largest” and touts its connections to presidents Lincoln and Taft. The organization was also recently in…