It’s all right here in this commentary from the man who tried to kill Nancy Pelosi’s husband: “Liberty isn’t dying, it’s being killed systematically and deliberately.” The “people killing it have names and addresses, so I got their names and addresses so I could pay them a little visit … have a heart-to-heart chat about their bad behavior.” “I want to apologize to everyone. I messed up. What I did was really bad. I’m so sorry I didn’t get more of them. It’s my own fault. No one else is to blame. I should have come better prepared.” It’s all right out of the wingnut playbook whether it’s Fox, Breitbart, Truth Social, 8-Chan, Newsmax, or OAN. And yes, Facebook and twitter too. It’s what compelled all those rioters to storm the Capitol and go hunting for Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence. It’s why they were screaming incoherently “this is MY house!”, telling the cops and anyone else to leave. It isn’t just this nut. He happened to take action and he isn’t the only one. But they all believe it …