New Project to Fund Converting Journals to Open Access

Fri, 03/02/2023 - 06:32
Fri, 03/02/2023 - 06:32
Editors of academic philosophy journals whose content is largely behind paywalls may be interested in applying to a new program from MIT Press that will “cover the expenses of transitioning a journal to open access model for a three-year term, provide the Press’s full suite of publishing services, and support the development of a sustainable funding model for the future.” Dubbed “shift+Open”, the program is intended for journals that have been publishing for at least three years using a subscription model. There are no other restrictions on eligibility, so the fact that your journal is currently produced by another publisher is not an obstacle to applying, and journals based anywhere in the world are welcome to apply. The aim is to convert journals to “diamond”-level open access, that is, no fees for authors to submit or publish their work and no fees for readers to access content. They note: “we anticipate publishing only in a digital format but will consider submissions that have a print component.” The project is funded by the Arcadia Fund. You can learn more about shift+Open here.