Senator Rick Scott is getting a lot of attention for proposing to sunset all spending, including Social Security and Medicare, every five years and making nasty ads like the one above, in which he accuses Biden of cutting Medicare and cheating on his taxes. Mitch McConnell himself is sick of him and removed him from the Commerce Committee which really ticked him off. Scott is corrupt to the core and should be nowhere near government. If you are unfamiliar with his history in business, here’s a piece Chris Hayes wrote before Scott won the governor’s seat in Florida back in 2008. (WTF Florida???) Rush Limbaugh offers Democrats an irresistible target as the de facto leader of the Republican Party, but for my money, Rick Scott is the man who best embodies the spirit of the current conservative opposition. The name may not exactly be a household word, or it may ring a faint bell, but Politico recently reported that the millionaire Republican would be heading up Conservatives for Patients’ Rights (CPR), a new group that plans to spend around $20 million to kill President Obama’s efforts at healthcare reform. Having Scott lead the charge against healthcare reform is like tapping Bernie Madoff to campaign against tighter securities regulation. You see, the for-profit hospital chain Scott helped found–the one he ran and built his entire reputation on—as discovered to be in the habit of defrauding the government out of hundreds of millions of dollars. This is the man who will be delivering what Politico called…