The KidZ are all right

Sun, 12/02/2023 - 05:00
Sun, 12/02/2023 - 05:00
I’m a boomer and the Gen Zs are grandchild age so I suppose it’s natural that I relate to them. That whole “skip a generation” thing is often true. Certainly, when it comes to politics it seems to me that the Democratic new guard is much savvier than both their immediate predecessors and the old guard my age. They see the opposition for what it is in a way that many liberals my age took forever to recognize (and that’s assuming they ever have.) I’m not sure why I could see the truth when so many couldn’t but I’m super relieved to see the younger generation in electoral politics is moving beyond some of the more parochial types of infighting that has so often characterized the Democratic party to form a popular front against the fascist tide on the right. Maybe we’ll get through this after all. Note that I’m speaking specifically of elected politicians. The campus wars are something else and I would guess it’s at least partially attributable to the fact that these young people are not exposed to the right while the elected politicians are. Much like the right wing bubble, that left wing bubble thinks it fully reflects the whole world so they end up fighting amongst themselves because they know, on some level, that there is a fight to be had. Maybe this is a good division of labor… they press cultural change while the more overtly political types wage the partisan political fight. (Maybe…