Where did she get such an idea?

Thu, 16/02/2023 - 01:00
Thu, 16/02/2023 - 01:00
Republican senators pummel Biden nominee to FCC “You’ve said, quote, ‘Republicans know that the only way they can win an election is to suppress the vote’,” said Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) on Tuesday in challenging Gigi Sohn, President Joe Biden’s nominee for a seat on the Federal Communications Commission. Sullivan is shocked, shocked, that anyone would think Republicans want to suppress the vote. Senate Commerce Committee Republicans find Sohn’s tweets a stumbling block in a way that the former president’s were not. “Maybe next election, Republicans will stop beating up on gays and women,” Sohn also wrote somewhere. Sohn is openly gay. “Do you understand just how ridiculously infuriating these statements are?” Sullivan went on. “You are saying Republicans want to suppress the vote.” We haven’t seen such mock Republican outrage since … since … since the State of the Union Address last week after President Joe Biden looked into the camera and told Americans that some Republicans want to sunset Social Security and Medicare. Where could Sohn have gotten such an idea about Republicans and vote suppression? Perhaps the senator from Alaska should visit North Carolina more. The Tar Heel State could add With Almost Surgical Precision to the license plates. Or Wisconsin. Or several other states with a Republican-dominated legislature. This popped up just Tuesday in North Carolina’s legislature: North Carolina has had 2-1/2 weeks of early voting for two decades. Two-thirds of the vote is cast early. In larger counties, voters may vote at multiple sites during…