Schwarzenegger keeps trying God knows we all have our flaws, our blind spots and weaknesses. The Austrian immigrant who became an international superstar and California governor has his. One thing wealth and fame have not erased is the memory of what World War II did to his father and to the broken men of his father’s generation who served the Nazi cause. Arnold Schwarzenegger filmed a 12-minute sermon on how the path of hate eats the soul: Schwarzenegger’s rhetoric was couched in terms of a motivational pep-talk for those with prejudice: “Nazis? Losers. The Confederacy? Losers. The apartheid movement? Losers. I don’t want you to be a loser. I don’t want you to be weak … despite all my friends who might say, ‘Arnold, don’t talk to those people. It’s not worth it.’ “I don’t care what they say. I care about you. I think you’re worth it. I know nobody is perfect … I can understand how people can fall into a trap of prejudice and hate.” Schwarzenegger is not talking just about antisemitism but, in the subtext, about the kind of venom being spewed at CPAC and by Gov. Wokety-woke DeWoke at immigrants, at nonwhites, and at transgender people MAGA Republicans think easy targets. Is this guy still a Republican? “It’s easier to hate than it is to learn … Nobody who has chosen the easy path of hate has gotten to the end of the road and said, ‘What a life.’ No. They die as miserably as…