Tucker Lies and the flock believes

Wed, 08/03/2023 - 05:30
Wed, 08/03/2023 - 05:30
Tucker: "To this day, there is dispute over how Chansley got into the Capitol building." False. You can literally see QAnon Shaman entering in footage he aired moments earlier. He wasn't snuck in some back door, he came in moments after the door was kicked in. Tucker is lying. Here is Jacob Chansley entering the Capitol less than 40 seconds after the breach. There is no dispute. https://ia902307.us.archive.org/10/items/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds.mpeg4 Also the “someone” who opened the door, as Tucker Carlson referred to him, is an anti-abortion extremism who purported to respect the sanctity of life until he (allegedly) plotted to kill a FBI agent following his Jan. 6 arrest. #Parasnooper “Kelley and Carter discussed collecting information and plans to kill the individual law enforcement personnel on the list that included an attack on the FBI’s Knoxville, Tennessee Field Office.” https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-tennessee-men-arrested-planning-attacks-law-enforcement-personnel-and-fbi-s-knoxville You can also see QAnon Shaman here at the front of rioters breaching the police line, near Brent Bozell III’s adult son Brent Bozell IV. Surely Tucker could’ve reached him for some context! Originally tweeted by Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) on March 7, 2023. The challenge this morning is how to alert you to a big dump of new misinformation without amplifying and validating it. The good news: This is an easier task when Kevin McCarthy and Tucker Carlson are involved because it is so transparent. The speaker of the House gives special exclusive access to the security footage of the Jan. 6 attack on Congress to the leading propagandist minimizing, dismissing, and counter-programming…