
Sun, 26/03/2023 - 04:53
The acquisition of nuclear-propelled submarines has been enthusiastically embraced by Albanese, Dutton, most of their benches, and their collective military-industrial backing chorus. In considering where the submarines will be based, questions about radiation leaks and accidents have been shunted to a back burner. The historical record on safety of such vessels should compel our government Continue reading »
Sun, 26/03/2023 - 04:40

Moscow claims Germany, Denmark, and Sweden are engaged in a U.S.-backed cover-up, as the war to control the narrative — and the evidence — intensifies.

The post Russia Calls for U.N. Investigation of Nord Stream Attack, as Hersh Accuses White House of False Flag appeared first on The Intercept.

Sun, 26/03/2023 - 01:30
Macron’s defense won’t help either The massive street protests in France after President Emmanuel Macron raised the retirement age from 62 to 64 should give pause to Republicans considering raising the retirement age to 70 here. But it won’t. “The French are fiercely protective of their universal health care and generous pensions,” NPR’s Lisa Bryant told Morning Edition. “And it’s a choice society has made: Work hard, pay high taxes, but also retire at a relatively young age with a high standard of living.” If only, right? Meantime, Macron is trying to defend his decision. With this amusing hiccup: Macron argues the retirement age must be raised to prevent the pension budget from running a deficit. BBC News: The exact cost of the watch was debated online, with some of Mr Macron’s critics suggesting it was worth €80,000. But the Élysée Palace told French media the president was wearing a Bell & Ross BR V1-92 model, which is personalised with a coat of arms. Prices online for this watch, without the personalisation, are between €1,660 and €3,300 (£1,460 and £2,900).
Sun, 26/03/2023 - 00:00
Why is her right to life not protected? Because lefties like to debate … and like to be right … and sometimes enjoy browbeating opponents into submission with their superior command of the facts, we sometimes waste time doing that instead of learning something from dialogue. We debate the question presented instead of addressing an oblique one that is more illuminating. Recent reading on Christian nationalism debunks the “Christian nation” myth and provides a surfeit of ammunition for winning any number of debates on the matter. From the Ten Commandments to where constitutional principles conflict with biblical ones, “The Founding Myth” by Andrew L. Seidel provides a stockpile.
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 20:30
Även i form av en staty ställer fotbollspelaren Zlatan Ibrahimovic till problem för sin omgivning. Efter Zlatans senaste kärleksförklaring till diktaturen Qatar vågar nu inte ens Malmös ledande politiker ta i frågan om den nu tydligen reparerade statyn ska placeras på synbar plats eller inte. De avböjer till och med att kommentera det problem som […]
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 17:47
Sad about the District Court decision in Hachette vs. Internet Archive; not just because of the ruling against the Archive, but because of many people’s reaction to it online. People have strange intuitions, not just about the status of the law, but also of how it progresses. There’s some tut-tutting that an august institution like […]