
Fri, 25/11/2022 - 15:25
pictures of my friend MJD looking at pictures of MJD
I don’t know why I do it … but I like assembling pictures of MJD looking at MJD

I got back from visiting MJD in Melbourne yesterday. I managed to get a flight for not much more then the petrol would have cost. I only had to drive the three …

Fri, 25/11/2022 - 13:24

What happens when your pet dog has a disagreement with your laptop? You can’t publish this week’s episode last week like you were supposed to! Despite the delay (we’re very sorry, comrades), it’s Wall-E time! And what perfect timing given recent events – Wall-E depicts an idiotic future that only someone like Elon Musk could

The post Wall-E appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Fri, 25/11/2022 - 10:31
Thanks to the efforts of Environmental Justice Australia (EJA) and the Environment Council of Central Queensland (EcoCeQ,), Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek reopened the environmental assessment process for 16 coal mines and two gas projects that had previously been approved. To take part, it was necessary to submit new information not available at the time of […]