Art by Matt Smith
So what would happen when an ancient fuckin’ viking behrsehrkah would go behrsehrk is he’d fuckin’ go behrsehrk! N’ in ohrdah tah go behrsehrk he’d wohrk himself up intah a huge fuckin’ rage. Maybe he’d even bite down on his shield a little if he had one n’, yah know, fuckin’ chew on it some. N’ he’d be all foamin’ at the mouth n’ shit, n’ then he’d go n’ he’d completely fuckin’ blow a gasket n’ he’d go on a goddamned rampage n’ then he’d eventually crash if he didn’t fuckin’ die in the battle, n’ then he’d have tah go n’ rest n’ build his strength back up so as tah be able tah do it all ovah r’gain next time.