
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 23:54
Open Rights Group has responded to the proposed amendments to the Investigatory Powers Act, announced in the King’s Speech today. The amendments could mean that global tech companies are forced to get permission from the UK government if they want to make changes to security features of their products and services. This is likely to […]
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 23:46
Introduction ORG would like to express concern regarding the proposed changes, which seem to be squarely aimed at reducing the possibility of the introduction of encryption to protect user data from unwanted access. The Home Office appears to regard encryption, especially “end to end encryption” (E2EE), where a service provider is unable to see the […]
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 18:28

The Grayzone has obtained a letter signed by former President Trump’s fanatically pro-settler ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and sent to New York University leadership demanding the school crack down on free speech to satisfy Israeli interests. A letter sent to NYU leadership claims the school is “no longer a safe space for Jewish students” while demanding policies that would shatter free speech on campus. The letter was signed by David Friedman, Trump’s rabidly pro-settlement ambassador to Israel, as well […]

The post Leak shows ex-Trump ambassador to Israel threatening NYU over Palestine protests first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Leak shows ex-Trump ambassador to Israel threatening NYU over Palestine protests appeared first on The Grayzone.

Tue, 07/11/2023 - 15:27
Hate, Anger, Contempt And Our Leadership

Yesterday I wrote a very angry article about the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza, with the full aid and complicity of most Western nations, including the US and my own country, Canada.

As I noted in comments, it’s the angriest I’ve been since 2015 when Syriza crumbled to European austerity. The day that happened I was furious. I wrote an angry post and went for a walk, still boiling with anger. About half an hour later I thought “this is ridiculous, it isn’t helping the Greeks and I don’t like it” and the anger went away.

It was odd, in the sense that we often have thoughts and feelings we don’t like, but usually they don’t go away just because think “I’d rather not feel this way.”

Tue, 07/11/2023 - 11:33
This Tuesday report will provide some insights into life for a westerner (me) who is working for several months at Kyoto University in Japan. Lost on a mountain Last weekend, we rode our bikes out to the Philosopher’s Path to the east of Kyoto, which is the last flat section before the roads start to…
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 11:30
The perennial question The Faye Dunaway character in “Network” explained Howard Beale’s popularity: “The American people are turning sullen. They’ve been clobbered on all sides by Vietnam, Watergate, the inflation, the depression; they’ve turned off, shot up, and they’ve fucked themselves limp, and nothing helps. The American people want somebody to articulate their rage for them.” Is Trump just Howard Beale? It’s as good an explanation as anything, I guess. But remember, Howard Beale was certifiably nuts. The man is a disgraceful pig. His antics on the witness stand today were beyond outrageous. Lisa Rubin on NBC describes his testimony as “someone who was not in control of his id today.” He’s not in control of his id any day. And yet, he is leading in the battleground states right now because Joe Biden is old and foolish people have bought into his hype that he personally made the economy perfect when he was in office. (It wasn’t, they just have short memories.) It’s infuriating.
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 10:00
Look to the Double Haters Dan Pfeiffer does some useful analysis about the NY Times poll and the “double haters” in his newsletter: I am still processing this poll and will have more to say in the coming days. But I do not want to sugarcoat it. While some of Trump’s gains among Black, Hispanic, and young voters may be hard to believe, numbers like these are broadly consistent with the trendlines in recent polls. This poll shows that not only can Trump win, he might now be a slight favorite to do so. Even if we don’t take the results literally, we should take them very, very seriously. Instead of doom-scrolling and tweeting through our panic, we should see this poll as a roadmap on how to reconstitute the anti-MAGA majority. We have to persuade the voters we have lost since 2020. Here’s one place to start. Who are the “Double Haters” Every election cycle, the political press likes to identify a specific group of voters as the ones to decide the election.
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 09:00
Israelis want Bibi gone: Angry protesters paid Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a home visit over the weekend, chanting, “jail now!” They were echoing rising cries from across the country for the veteran Israeli leader to step down. A new poll by an Israeli news station found that 76% of respondents want Netanyahu to resign. Many blame him for the security failures behind Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror rampage across southern Israel. “He must resign!” shouted Moshe Radman outside Netanyahu’s home over the weekend. Radman is one of the Israelis who’s been leading the protests against the country’s leader. Asked by CBS News what motivated him, he said it was Netanyahu “lying again and again and again.” “A leader needs to think 100% about our soldiers and our country and 0% about himself,” he said.