
Mon, 02/09/2024 - 07:47
This study showing that US academic faculty members are 25 times more likely than Americans in general to have a parent with a PhD or Masters degree has attracted a lot of attention, and comments suggesting that this is unusual and unsatisfactory. But is it? For various reasons, I’ve interacted quite a bit with farmers, […]
Fri, 30/08/2024 - 11:54
I am very pleased that our very own Chris Bertram has responded to Joseph Heath’s very entertaining and polemical “John Rawls and the death of Western Marxism,” a widely shared Substack post [HT: Dailynous]. Chris has made some important corrections to the public record, and the comments on his post are extending that. As it happens, I […]
Thu, 29/08/2024 - 18:41
There has been much attention online to a piece by Joseph Heath arguing that analytical Marxism disappeared because the analytical Marxists all turned into Rawlsian liberals. At a certain level of resolution (blurred, zoomed out) the argument has something going for it. But at that level, all it amounts to is the claim that this […]
Wed, 28/08/2024 - 19:05
Harris’ nomination locks in another Boomer presidency. This single generation — those born in the nineteen years between 1946 and 1964 — is guaranteed another presidency. 36 consecutive years, not counting the Biden Interregnum (he’s technically too old). Despite being a Boomer, you may have noticed that she’s the young, exciting candidate. Yes, the generational […]
Tue, 27/08/2024 - 09:46
by Andrea Maurer* This article showcases the development of economic sociology and the vibrant activities and achievements within the Economic Sociology Research Network at the European Sociological Association. Even though the development has not been continuous, there has been a successful rediscovery of economic topics in sociology. The accomplishments have allowed the Network to have […]