
Thu, 02/02/2023 - 21:38
‘Labour’ leader finds time to tweet inanity, but not to support millions fighting for their families and class Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of workers went on strike to resist the Tories’ mass assault on the working class and to fight for their families, their jobs, their pay and the public services we all rely on. […]
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 05:40
Extra resources put in to cope halved waits, showing again that NHS crisis is Tory-created Statistics gathered during strike action by paramedics have made a mockery of the Tories’ transparently ideological attack on workers’ right to strike. While Rishi Sunak and his partners in crime claim their plan to force unions to maintain services during […]
Mon, 09/01/2023 - 07:35
Union over the line on numbers voting – and result expected to be in favour of industrial action Teachers are set to go on strike for decent pay after enough members returned ballots to meet the ‘50% plus one’ turnout threshold required under the government’s anti-union laws, according to reports Skwawkbox has received. The percentage […]
Thu, 29/12/2022 - 23:42
Damning indictment of parts of union movement Incoming TUC general secretary Paul Nowak has appalled many of the movement’s activists by giving Keir Starmer a free pass not to increase public spending or revoke the UK’s repressive anti-trade union laws if Labour gets into power. Mr Nowak said that Labour can’t ‘turn on the spending […]