Yemen conflict

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 22:51

It's been nearly one month since Israel bombed Iran's embassy in Syria and since Iran's retaliatory strikes against Israel. The dust may have settled but was this all for show? Dr. Mohammad Marandi joins Mnar Adley to discuss the aftermath of these attacks and what it means for Iran and the future of the region.

The post The Dust Has Settled: The Aftermath Of Iran’s Retaliatory Strikes On Israel appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 04/05/2024 - 03:15

Insider reports reveal ominous preparations for a massive military operation in Yemen, with US and UK forces backed by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE poised for aerial and ground assaults on Yemeni territory.

The post Exclusive: Yemen Braces For Impending Massive US-Led Air and Ground Campaign appeared first on MintPress News.