
Wed, 07/08/2024 - 18:00
David Glanville and Arif Merali Short term interest rate (STIR) futures are the bedrock of interest rate markets, used to price expectations of central bank policy rates and other UK rate derivative markets such as swaps and options (see Figure 1). They are key for the transmission of monetary policy and provide an avenue for … Continue reading Caring for the ‘future’
Wed, 24/07/2024 - 11:53
I am proud of the Economic Sociology and Political Economy community blog and social media becoming a source of knowledge and learning, in various forms, for students at all levels. It is also gratifying to see the ES/PE websites links appear in syllabi. In this context, one of the common questions I receive from lecturers […]
Tue, 11/10/2022 - 01:11
Bruno Latour, the preeminent sociologist, original anthropologist, and highly influential thinker, dies aged 75. This is devastating news and an enormous loss.If there is a scholar whose tremendous contribution would be simply impossible to describe in a short blog post — this would be Latour’s. Even the Holberg Prize‘s – the most important award in […]
Wed, 21/12/2022 - 15:17
If you believe in Santa, do not read the following paper — sympathetically warn us Teea Palo, Katy Mason and Philip Roscoe at the beginning of “Performing a Myth to Make a Market: The Construction of the ‘Magical World’ of Santa”. In this interesting research, the authors follow the Santa myth to a remote northern […]