International Relations

Thu, 23/11/2023 - 04:58
After a succession of record-breaking months of record heat including 1.8°C in September, global warming for 2023 as a whole will likely tip 1.5°C, with 2024 even hotter as the effect of the building El Nino is felt more fully. Already hundreds of thousands have died and millions displaced, primarily in countries least responsible for Continue reading »
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 04:50
Weaponising human rights against the city and mainland China only becomes more farcical when the US and its close allies are busy violating them. Another day, another official report from the US government criticising and threatening to punish China for interfering with the affairs of Hong Kong, a Chinese city. This is getting farcical. The Continue reading »
Sat, 18/11/2023 - 04:56
The US national security establishment has long-standing, pervasive and influential linkages with civil and military bureaucracies throughout the world who see their primary role not as serving their own governments but subordinating them to the interests of the United States. There is need for constant vigilance against this enemy within. It’s a familiar story, and Continue reading »
Fri, 17/11/2023 - 04:51
Both The US and Israel have turned out to be exceptionally brutal, exceptionally authoritarian and exceptionally unjust. The zeitgeist is peace, and Israel and the U.S. will be left behind when the world moves towards humanity and cooperation. Meanwhile they are going to dig in, stand firm on their use of blood curdling violence against Continue reading »
Wed, 15/11/2023 - 04:58
Weak Western leaders, certain of their own exceptionalism, have endangered world peace by peddling narratives that justify the unjustifiable. Abuse of the charge of antisemitism silences those calling for an end to the bloodshed, fomenting a callous response to the killing of Palestinians. Irrespective of your political beliefs, the reality is that the worst wars Continue reading »
Tue, 14/11/2023 - 04:56
The recent treaty with Tuvalu opens the way for a more generous treatment of Pacific people. In an interview on Insiders (12/11/23) Foreign Minister, Penny Wong was absolutely right when she said that the recent treaty between Australia and Tuvalu is the most important Pacific decision our nation has made since the independence of Papua-New Continue reading »