"The public deserves to know if there are any debt obligations, resource access clauses, or strategic commitments involved."
"There is a moral responsibility by each global leader to think from the global perspective instead of from their own national-interest perspective."
Australian Broadcasting Commission’s TV presenter Joe O’Brien couldn't keep the smile off his face. He went off-script several times: “Wow!” “So cool to bring you this news” “I’ve got goosebumps.”
On Wednesday, the lower house of the Australian parliament voted to pass legislation to ban social media for children under 16 years, and the Senate passed the bill on Friday.
"This bill fails to uphold the promises made in the Treaty and disregards the voices of Māori."
"The council sees this legal action as an assault on press freedom and an attempt to undermine the accountability that is vital to democracy."
"Bilbies are one of Australia’s most popular native marsupial species, but sadly also one of its most threatened, so those that look after bilbies are very important."
From 1946–1958, the US military dropped an estimated 318 explosive devices into the Pacific. This destroyed the environment and caused countless health issues for pacific islanders.
"The recognition of ecocide as a crime sends a powerful message: the destruction of nature will no longer go unpunished."
"Stifling the media is never a good thing and trying to control them is even worse."