Thu, 25/07/2024 - 10:37
I have just witnessed the most pathetic and humiliating hour which I, as an American, have experienced in my lifetime. After virtually every sentence uttered by the notorious war-criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, no matter how inane or blatantly false, virtually all the attending political prostitutes infesting the U.S. Congress rose (53 times!) in a loud standing Continue reading »
Thu, 25/07/2024 - 04:53
The Republican Party are intent on making immigration their key issue in the forthcoming US Election. The 2024 Republican Party platform and Trump’s nomination acceptance speech make that abundantly clear. But what would Donald Trump’s immigration policies look like in practice? Out of the 20 priorities in the 2024 Republican platform, the first two relate Continue reading »
Wed, 24/07/2024 - 04:50
It makes sense for Beijing to expand the services sector, but none for the US to transfer higher productivity in services to lower one in manufacturing. So this is how Donald Trump repays his legions of fans in Taiwan, especially those from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party. “Taiwan took our chip business from us,” the Continue reading »