
Tue, 02/04/2024 - 12:28
Whoever keeps posting Karl Marx quotes on the breakroom bulliten board needs to stop.– Management Engage yourself with consequential reflections about labor and class struggle in the 21st century with these (not just thought but also action-provoking) five superb books: — Anderson, Elizabeth. 2023. Hijacked: How Neoliberalism Turned the Work Ethic against Workers and How Workers […]
Sun, 24/03/2024 - 09:23
by Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira* The literature on populism in the 21st century often assumes that far-right leaders draw their support from voters who have lost out to globalization. This is the case among low-skilled, white workers in Global North democracies, including the United States. But, there are also meaningful occurrences of backlash against the political establishment and […]
Sun, 10/03/2024 - 02:38
by Till Hilmar* My recent book Deserved reconstructs people’s experiences with, and memories of, disruptive economic change. It foregrounds the voices of individuals who endured the “shock therapy” of the 1990s – the transition from communism to market society – in two societies.The analysis is driven by a historical-comparative argument: Before 1989, East Germany and […]
Thu, 01/02/2024 - 11:35
by Asaf Darr* The ongoing and fierce conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs is a daily reality in Israel, the country where I reside. As a sociologist of work and economic sociologist, I became increasingly interested in the ways in which the broader conflict is manifested in daily socio-economic encounters on the shop floor between […]
Fri, 26/01/2024 - 11:14
Very interesting readings and recorded talks on various topics in Economic Sociology and Political Economy: — The best 5 books on The Administrative State recommended and discussed by Paul Tucker, a former deputy governor of the Bank of England and fellow at Harvard’s School of Government: The Administrative Process by Jason Landis (1938), The End […]