Statistics & Econometrics

Mon, 28/10/2024 - 03:23
Biomedical, psychological, and social sciences are “soft” insofar as they focus on phenomena whose regularities are amorphous and situational (in contrast to the universal, exact laws which dominate physical sciences). In doing so, they must confront another major source of research uncertainty: Living organisms are characterized by natural variation and complex feedback within and across […]
Thu, 24/10/2024 - 19:51
In much of science and medicine, the assumptions behind standard teaching, terminology, and interpretations of statistics are usually false, and hence the answers they provide to real-world questions are misleading … In light of this harsh reality, we should ask what meaning (if any) can we assign to the P-values, “statistical significance” declarations, “confidence” intervals, […]
Wed, 25/09/2024 - 22:26
. All science entails human judgement, and using statistical models doesn’t relieve us of that necessity. Working with misspecified models, the scientific value of significance testing is actually zero —  even though you’re making valid statistical inferences! Statistical models and concomitant significance tests are no substitutes for doing real science. In its standard form, a […]
Wed, 25/09/2024 - 02:01
It is instructive to consider cases in which most people readily accept causal claims in the absence of randomized experiments. Nowadays, few people doubt the effects of tobacco smoking on lung cancer. But in the 1950s, tobacco lobbyists embraced the idea that a genetic predisposition caused both a tendency to smoke and lung cancer … […]
Mon, 16/09/2024 - 22:06
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), while useful in some contexts, are often overvalued in economics and social sciences. My critique centres on the following key points: 1. Lack of External Validity RCTs often suffer from problems of external validity, meaning that their results cannot easily be generalized beyond the specific experimental conditions. In the controlled environment […]