
Fri, 04/08/2023 - 23:18

Who will design the next generation of readable, writerly web layouts? Layouts for sites that are mostly writing. Designed by people who love writing. Where text can be engaging even if it isn’t offset by art or photography. Where text is the point. With well considered flexible typesetting, modular scaling, and readable measures across a full range of proportions and […]

The post The Next Generation of Web Layouts appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.

Fri, 31/03/2023 - 04:25

As the lines between our physical and digital surroundings continue to blur, it’s more important than ever to design usable and accessible content for our ever-expanding array of contexts. In 2021, A Book Apart and I were delighted to bring you Preston So’s Voice Content and Usability, the definitive book on voice content, and A […]

The post Immersive Content and Usability appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.

Fri, 03/02/2023 - 01:01

Before the present owner, I was a Twitter Blue customer, because I always pay for software—to support its creators and help prevent it from disappearing, as so many great websites and platforms have done over the years.  It wasn’t about the Twitter Blue pro features, to be honest, because they were few and inessential. For […]

The post Twitter Blues appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.

Tue, 31/01/2023 - 08:45

I don’t know why, but every city, no matter how big, has some insanely stacked dictator-looking McMansion somewhere outside the city limits. If you sort your Zillow results as Price: High - Low, this house will pop up first. It costs something like $5,000,000. It is 10,000 square feet. There are usually frescos and tawdry gildedness of some variety. The realtor’s text brags of marble and uses the word “Manor.”

Today, our house, squarely in this category, is found in the suburbs of Milwaukee, WI, not really a place known for unhinged 21st century robber barons. In fact, I find Wisconsin to be one of the least McMansion-dense states in the country. Even the guy who invented Culvers or the Milwaukee Bucks probably has a much less insane house than the one I’m about to show you:

Thu, 14/10/2021 - 00:32

Herewith, a scene from last night’s interview with legendary web & book designer (and Dean of The Cooper Union School of Art) Mike Essl, who shared his portfolio, career highlights, early web design history, and more. Fun! If you get a chance to meet, work with, or learn from Mike, take it. He’s brilliant, hilarious, […]

The post My Night With Essl appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.