The selection committee for the Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Richard Higgott Journal Article Prize is pleased to announce the articles nominated by AIPEN members for the longlist for the 2023 prize, now celebrating its 10th year.
The prize will be awarded to the best article published in 2023 (online early or in print) in international political economy (IPE) by an Australia-based scholar.
The prize defines IPE in a pluralist sense to include the political economy of security, geography, literature, sociology, anthropology, post-coloniality, gender, finance, trade, regional studies, development, and economic theory, in ways that can span concerns for in/security, poverty, inequality, sustainability, exploitation, deprivation and discrimination.
The overall prize winner will be decided by the selection committee, comprised of AIPEN members. Before that decision can be made, we now require AIPEN members to vote on the longlist to establish the final shortlist of four articles for delibera