Post East Palentine rail safety reform proposals are embarrassingly unserious.
Guest Post
Stefania Maurizi’s “Secret Power: Wikileaks and its Enemies” chronicles Wikileaks’ publications and the dehumanization of Julian Assange.
Another mechanism by which US does harm through our indifference to to the impact of our dollar/interest rate policies on other countries.
~ Today's Water Cooler ~
In pressing the Taiwan hot button, is the US misreading China's capabilities and networks just as it has Russia's?
The US doth protest too much over China's napkin doodle peace principles. Why the defensiveness?
The nearshoring trend is triggering a significant influx of global companies, including Tesla and many of its suppliers, to Northern Mexico, particularly the state of Nuevo León. But is there enough water to go round?
~ Today's Water Cooler ~
Can the rich be trusted to fix a breaking world? Or should the real resistance unite beneath one banner?