
Mon, 15/10/2018 - 09:54

Last night I started reading Night Walking by Prof. Beaumont. It felt immediately familiar to me. I mention it now only to make note of the phrase Post Circadian Capitalism and the word Noctivagator. Fab.

I did not sleep much after 3am this morning. I’m not getting enough exercise …

Wed, 14/11/2018 - 04:53
Bruce Chatwin in India
Bruce Chatwin in India

As a nineteen year old, Bruce Chatwin introduced me to the latin phrase, solvitur ambulando (The Songlines). Translated as ‘it is solved by walking’ I liked the phrase immediately. It has become a talisman to be kept in my thoughts. I have not only sought solutions …

Mon, 04/03/2019 - 01:15

Ask me any sport related question. I could not give a toss about it. Invite me to hit, kick or throw a ball and you’ll regret it. Despite my tragic failure to care about any sports I do love people who do.

I discovered a Gabriel Garcia Marquez article …

Mon, 09/09/2019 - 09:03

I remember another time when I was young. In my homeland traveling by train. A group of passengers sprinkled throughout the open-plan carriage talked amongst themselves. They appeared to know each other from their intersecting lives in suburbia. This was obviously their regular commute. Rereading Saint-Exupéry I am reminded of …

Mon, 16/09/2019 - 02:43
The robot, Bender, is adrift in space. His body is populated by 'Shrimpkins'
Bender might say, “Greetings to my yeasts and bacterias”

The picture above is from an episode of Futurama I watched with my boys. The robot, Bender, is adrift in space. His body is populated by ‘Shrimpkins’.

Auden wrote “A New Year Greeting” the year I was born. It was in …