
Sat, 27/07/2024 - 04:58
Beijing is projecting an image of China as a crisis deal-maker with peace as its priority, as Asian media are reporting this week. China has been active in recent days, taking the first steps towards seeing talks replace battles. It has turned its attention to Ukraine, Palestine and the main South China Sea flashpoint. It Continue reading »
Sat, 20/07/2024 - 16:07

This food timeline started as a way to explore the revolution in Australian food that has occurred during the baby-boomers’ lifetime, but has since expanded to include more about the previous decades (and century) as well. Also included are overseas events and trends that had an impact here. The entries are brief, but there are lots of links if you want more information.

1000th post - the beginnings of Australian Food Timeline

Fri, 19/07/2024 - 04:56
The stark contrast in media coverage of the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine reveals a troubling pattern of bias that shapes public perception and policy in profound ways. As bombs fall on Gaza and tanks roll through Ukraine, Western audiences are presented with starkly different narratives that betray deep-seated prejudices and political agendas. This asymmetry Continue reading »
Wed, 17/07/2024 - 04:55
Regarding recent social media posts by journalist, former SBS newsreader Mary Kostakidis, the CEO of the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) has lodged a complaint with the Australia Human Rights Commission. Under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, Mr. Alon Cassuto, a dual Australian Israeli citizen, claims that by sharing a speech by Hassan Continue reading »