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Shock jock, John Laws, has stunned the Nation by announcing his retirement from radio. It was not the news of his retirement that stunned the Nation but rather news that Mr Laws was in fact still alive. “I thought he... Read More ›
With the impending retirement of the first Politician to hold 5 secret ministries at the same time as being the country’s PM, Scott Morrison, Australian’s are being urged to put out their secret ministries as a sign of respect for... Read More ›
‘Ruthless’ general secretary’s push to take control of union’s executive council marked by allegations of breaches and bending of ‘rule 6’ eligibility requirement by union Allegations of ‘contrived’ and even rule-breaking eligibility, for supporters of Unite general secretary Sharon Graham, in the union’s executive council (EC) elections have multiplied since Skwawkbox broke the news of […]
Brendel/Unsplash, CC BY-NC Warwick Smith, University of Melbourne This article was first published in The Conversation. Understandably, given we are in a crisis, the government has baulked at including superannuation contributions in the A$140 billion worth of $1,500 per … Continue reading