
Fri, 07/02/2025 - 01:38
I don’t know what inspired this flash of productivity, but I made this dinner in 2 evenings back-to-back with 194. Individual Meat Loaves.  This moment of achievement was in 2024, so I don’t remember this knocking my socks off. Speaking of knocking (get it–Knockwurst?) I used brats instead. I don’t understand a hot potato salad.Continue reading 193. Hot German Potato Salad with Knockwurst
Tue, 21/01/2025 - 08:57
  I like the idea of an individual meatloaf. I LOVE the idea of an individual, cheese-stuffed meatloaf. American cheese ensconced in ground beef is vaguely reminiscent of the Juicy Lucy–a cheeseburger with the cheese IN the burger. There are two rival bars in Twin Cities, both of which claim to have invented the JuicyContinue reading 194. Individual Meat Loaves
Wed, 14/08/2024 - 23:27
You are reading this because Mr. Sauce, Esq. pointed out I didn’t do a single Wiener Wednesday this summer. And I want to give him a hearty thanks because, however neglectful I’ve been to the blog, I couldn’t let this year pass without an addition to the Wiener Wednesday archives. It would be wrong. Plus,Continue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: 203. Stuffed Franks
Thu, 07/09/2023 - 04:04
PIEATHALON BITCHES! If you don’t know the Pieathalon rules click HERE. My pie came from Down Under! Taryn of Retro Food for Modern Times sent me a recipe from The Leggos Italian Cookbook (1975) Leggos not to be confused with L’eggo my Eggo.   Before we get into it–just a little history of Leggo courtesyContinue reading PIEATHALON 10: Villa Pie (1975)
Thu, 13/07/2023 - 07:06
Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! DiS1972 reader Dana is a good friend of the blog and submitted this recipe (with a boatload of other hot dog gems) for my consideration. I picked this recipe because of the adorable illustrations and the whimsical name, Snow Caps (although it was tough to pass on something called 20th CenturyContinue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY! Cutco Cookbook: Snow Caps (1956)