Macroprudential policy

Wed, 21/02/2024 - 20:00
Alice Crundwell and William Bennett Accurate measures of the number of firms at risk of failure are becoming increasingly important for policymakers, as corporate insolvencies are continuing to rise and interest rates are expected to remain higher than over much of the past decade. The share of vulnerable firms is often assessed by looking at … Continue reading Stressed or in distress? How best to measure corporate vulnerability
Thu, 29/06/2023 - 18:00
Kristin Forbes, Christian Friedrich and Dennis Reinhardt Recent episodes of financial stress, including the ‘dash for cash’ at the onset of the Covid-19 (Covid) pandemic, pressure in the UK’s liability-driven investment funds in 2022, and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in 2023, were stark reminders of the vulnerability of financial institutions to shocks that … Continue reading Funding structures and resilience to shocks after a decade of regulatory reform
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 20:00
Kristina Bluwstein, Sudipto Karmakar and David Aikman Introduction Inflation reached almost 9% in July 2022, its highest reading since the early 1990s. A large proportion of the working age population will never have experienced such price increases, or the prospect of higher interest rates to bring inflation back under control. In recent years, many commentators … Continue reading What does the rise in the inflation mean for financial stability?
Wed, 02/11/2022 - 20:00
Rachel Adeney and Amy Fraser Operational risk is rapidly becoming one of the most important threats to the financial system but is also one of the least well understood. Cyber attacks are regularly cited as one of the top risks faced by firms in the financial sector and one of the most challenging to manage. … Continue reading When the lights go out: why does operational risk matter for financial stability?
Thu, 24/11/2022 - 20:00
Naoto Takemoto, Simon Jurkatis and Nicholas Vause In less than two decades, the system of market-based finance (MBF) – which involves mainly non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) providing credit to the economy through bonds rather than loans – has both mitigated and amplified the economic effects of financial crises. It mitigated effects after the global financial … Continue reading Strengthening the resilience of market-based finance