Doctor Who has a unique way of renewing itself that other shows don't have, making each Doctor's intro feel like a pilot for a new show.
chris chibnall
Doctor Who actors are realizing that "The Whoniverse" now extends well beyond the small screen, creating interesting real-life "crossovers."
With Jodie Whittaker and Jo Martin signing to star in new Doctor Who audio dramas at Big Finish, it's time for their Doctors to team up again.
The new era of Doctor Who gave classic companion Mel, played by Bonnie Langford, more to do in two episodes than in her entire original run.
As Doctor Who heads for a season finale, Russell T. Davies goes down to the wire with a blitz of tie-ins & teases to hype "Empire of Death."
On Doctor Who, the Doctor as the last survivor of a genocide & a foundling who doesn't know their origins redefines the heart of the series.
Millie Gibson's Ruby Sunday is the new season-long Doctor Who mystery. Is she The Rani? Susan's daughter? We have some theories to share...
The Weeping Angels are the most original high-concept Doctor Who monsters to be introduced in nearly 30 years, with elegance to their horror.
Former Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall will be adapting the Agatha Christie murder whodunnit The Seven Dials Mystery for Netflix.
Doctor Who fans are loving Gemma Redgrave's Kate Lethbridge-Stewart - but the new UNIT is still suffering from the old UNIT's biggest problem.