
Wed, 11/01/2023 - 00:03

            Only God and Kevin McCarthy know how long George Santos, the disgraced Republican freshman congressman from Long Island whose antipathy for the truth stands out even by politician standards, will be able to remain in office. If and when he is forced to step down, say, after an explanation for his mysteriously improving financial...

The post May the Second-Best Person Win first appeared on Ted Rall's Rallblog.
Fri, 30/12/2022 - 07:13

           Mark Twain said: “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” Ironically, he didn’t. The quotation should correctly be attributed to Jonathan Swift. The lie remains in high orbit.             Even when the truth comes to light, it gets nothing close to the wide distribution...

The post How about Equal Time for the Truth? first appeared on Ted Rall's Rallblog.