The Doctor's relationship with their companion is the heart of Doctor Who, and their first meetings always offer a sense of what's to come.
david tennant
David Tennant (Good Omens 2) discusses what it was like returning to film the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary three-episode special event.
David Tennant returns to one of his earliest leading roles in the Big Finish audio sequel The Adventures of Luther Arkwright: Heart of Empire.
Our thoughts on Doom's Day, an ambitious, elaborate, Sooz Kempner-starring multimedia event celebrating the Doctor Who 60th anniversary.
What better way for Doctor Who to wish Yasmin Finney a happy birthday than by letting us know a little more about Rose NOBLE.... yup!
BBC Chief Content Officer Charlotte Moore & Head of Drama Commissioning Lindsay Salt offered an update on how thing are going with Disney regarding co-producing Doctor Who.
Jodie Whittaker's regeneration into David Tennant earned Doctor Who the "TV Moment of the Year" award at the Edinburgh TV Festival Awards.
Doctor Who is a show that often pioneered representation ahead of its time, and Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor was an LGBTQ champion.
If we're reading Doctor Who showrunner Russell T. Davies correctly, we can expect Yasmin Finney's Rose for Series 14 - and for Series 15?
David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor is either leaping into action or playing crossing guard in an image for the Doctor Who 60th anniversary.