Everyone wonders what The Ghostly Old Woman says in Doctor Who: "73 Yards" that causes people to flee in terror - but you can work it out.
"73 Yards" may have confused some Doctor Who viewers, but it has become a favourite amongst many LGBTQ fans for its metaphors for coming out.
In "Dot and Bubble,", Doctor Who lets its "Black Mirror" flag fly with a Sci-Fi satire about technology that's not lacking in political bite.
"73 Yards" starts out as a British folk horror episode of Doctor Who but it takes a left turn into something deeper, odder - and political.
In "73 Yards," Russell T. Davies once again shows that even in Doctor Who, the worst, scariest monsters are the human ones - as in real life.
"Boom," Steven Moffat's new episode of Doctor Who, reveals Villengard's long-running villainy - which has been with the series since 2005.
In "Boom," Steven Moffat reveals more of the slightly hidden lore of the 51st-century history he created in Doctor Who beginning in 2005.
"73 Yards" is one of the weirdest episodes of Doctor Who in all the best ways possible - and it travels that weird route in a unique way.
Steven Moffat delivers classic Doctor Who with "BOOM," a gritty suspense thriller where Capitalism is the biggest monster in the universe.
Doctor Who Ep. 3 "BOOM" marks Steven Moffat's return to the series - possibly the angriest and most intense hour of television this week.