
Thu, 10/11/2022 - 00:00

The current tightening of monetary policy is undoubtedly having an impact. While it may take some time for the slowing of inflation to flow through to the official CPI figures - especially given the level of inflation that is being imported - the economy is set to slow drastically.

The post With household incomes set to fall, we need to think about what matters in the economy appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Mon, 14/11/2022 - 00:00

Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine caused a massive surge in gas and LNG prices that have enabled gas companies around the world, including Australia to make record-level profits.

The post Gas companies are profiting off of human misery – we need a windfall profits tax appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Mon, 14/11/2022 - 00:00

Proposed reforms to Commonwealth industrial relations laws would create more opportunities for collective bargaining to occur on a multi-employer basis, rather than being limited solely to individual workplaces or enterprises. Business groups have attacked this proposal as a dramatic change that would supposedly spark widespread work stoppages and industrial chaos.

The post Multi-Employer Bargaining Necessary for Fixing Wages Crisis appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Thu, 01/12/2022 - 10:00

For most of this year, the warnings and news about inflation have been one of hope for the best but experience the worst. Predictions of future inflation growth have continually been revised upwards and with it has been the suggestion that interest rates need to keep rising.

The post The Reserve Bank needs to watch that it doesn’t push the economy off a cliff appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Sun, 11/12/2022 - 12:11

The anti-protest laws that have swept the country are a threat to us all, even if you’ve never attended a protest in your life. Governments are writing and passing laws which authorise companies to legally cause harm to our community and environment, while jailing individuals seeking to stop such harm through non-violent protest. The draconian

The post Jailing climate protestor Violet Coco shows anti-protest laws have gone too far appeared first on The Australia Institute.