
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:20
The president of Utica University, Laura Casamento, at the prompting of Utica’s Board of Trustees, has recommended that the university no longer offer students the opportunity to major in philosophy. A petition has been launched to protest the proposed elimination of the philosophy major. Utica Philosophy Professor Douglas Edwards writes in with the following information: On Wednesday January 18th, 2023, the President of Utica University, Laura Casamento, and the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Robert Brvenik recommended the elimination of 15 majors, including Philosophy, and also demanded that 8 other programs needed to make significant changes or face elimination. The process for cutting programs began back in September 2022 when the Board of Trustees of the University charged the University with conducting an Academic Portfolio Review, due to what they called “an unsustainable faculty-to-student ratio”, which asked for recommendations for program deletion. Whilst this was claimed to be for the purpose of cutting costs, no information has been given on how any of the proposed cuts will save the University any money.
Sat, 04/02/2023 - 01:00
Reminder: if you are running a summer program or summer school in philosophy, there is a place to list it to make it more visible to potentially interested parties. If you’re running a summer program in philosophy for graduate students or recent PhDs, list it in the comments here. If you’re running a summer program in philosophy for undergraduates, list it in the comments here. If you’re running a summer program in philosophy for high school students, list it in the comments here. Everyone else: if you know students who might be interested in these programs, please pass along the relevant post(s). Thanks!