robert scheer

Mon, 20/03/2023 - 14:58

By Dan Siegel / Original to ScheerPost Millions of people hit the streets around the world when George Floyd was murdered by the Minneapolis police in May 2020. We demanded criminal prosecution of the white cop who choked Mr. Floyd and called for dramatic changes to U.S. police departments to prevent the killings of innocent […]

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Tue, 21/03/2023 - 04:15

The case to invade Iraq on March 19, 2003 was based on an NIE that was prepared not to determine the truth, but rather to “justify” preemptive war, when there was nothing to preempt.

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Tue, 21/03/2023 - 00:41

It’s not just that media figures who sold the most devastating war crime of the 21st century never faced any professional consequences—they’re more powerful and influential now than ever.

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Mon, 20/03/2023 - 03:29

Ramzy Baroud sheds light on the ongoing protests in Israel and their limited impact on the country’s inherently racist institutions and ongoing military occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

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Mon, 20/03/2023 - 03:48

Honduras’ leftist President Xiomara Castro announced her government will recognize China. Now only 12 UN member states have formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan separatists. They have a combined population of less than 39 million, or 0.49% of the planet.

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Sat, 18/03/2023 - 09:46

Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines? In February, veteran journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh dropped a bombshell report detailing how President Joe Biden ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines.

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