
Fri, 17/03/2023 - 01:44
The Al Jazeera ‘Labour Files’ documentary series exposed afresh the rampant racism and war on democracy of the Labour right, both to sabotage the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn and to purge the left from the party under Keir Starmer. Now a new episode sees Martin Forde – the barrister Starmer reluctantly commissioned to investigate the […]
Mon, 13/02/2023 - 04:39
Right’s claim purge of left is to ensure ‘quality’ candidates who can’t embarrass party is a sham Momentum staffer Angus Satow has posted a thread of what he claims is ‘all’ the right-wing candidates that have been allowed to stand for selection by the Labour party despite being ‘scandal-hit’ – which he points out makes […]