
Thu, 04/01/2024 - 04:59
John Pilger, the investigative anti-war journalist who spoke up for China and humiliated the western corporate media, has died—and every single report on this in the western media I have seen has carefully omitted this fact. Here are ten things he said that the world needs to know about the legendary journalist who died in Continue reading »
Fri, 01/12/2023 - 04:59
Henry Kissinger’s death draws to a close the epoch of intellectualism in foreign policy to which he was committed following his early study of and belief in a system of organised strategic balance and restraint of the kind that emerged from the Treaty of Westphalia in the 17th century. I first met Henry Kissinger in Continue reading »
Sat, 11/11/2023 - 04:58
This Remembrance Day, the great juggernaut of war is crushing thousands. In Gaza and the Ukraine. In that context, we may reflect today on Australia’s role in the Great War. In that period, then, as now, Australia was devoted to the twin dogmas of almighty deterrence and unwavering alliance. Did they serve us well? Then, Continue reading »
Sun, 05/11/2023 - 04:59
Bill Hayden rescued and resuscitated the Labor Party as a national force as certainly as I am standing before you today. We may see the likes of Bill Hayden again, but I doubt it. At Bill’s initiative, in 1983 he put into place a review of ANZUS, suggesting that Australia presenting as a sycophant or Continue reading »
Sun, 22/10/2023 - 04:58
A modernising Treasurer, the author and founder of Medicare, the re-shaper and builder of the post-War Labor Party, Foreign Minister and finally, in high office, Governor General. Bill Hayden was a great servant of Australia. A modernising Treasurer, the author and founder of Medicare, the re-shaper and builder of the post-War Labor Party, Foreign Minister Continue reading »
Fri, 04/08/2023 - 04:53
The 3 August Vietnam Veterans’  Vigil (VVV) is separate from the 18 August government-sponsored Commemorative Service on Vietnam Veterans’ Day. The 18 August Service officially marks the fiftieth anniversary of Australia’s withdrawal from the Vietnam War (1962-72). The 3 August Vigil falls after the sixtieth anniversary of the Australian Army Training Team’s arrival in Vietnam Continue reading »
Fri, 19/05/2023 - 04:57
Prominent Chinese community leader, Dr Anthony “Tony” Pun died last night in Sydney, aged 77. In 1989 he came to public prominence when he lobbied then prime minister Bob Hawke to allow Chinese students to remain in Australia, in the wake of the crackdown on Chinese student protests that led to the Tiananmen Square incident. Continue reading »
Tue, 09/05/2023 - 04:53
A dear friend, amazing mentor and an invaluable China Matters board director who was instrumental to ensuring independent voices on China issues were still alive in Australia. In the many tributes written about Allan Gyngell over the past two days, he has been hailed as a brilliant mind and an outstanding Australian who made an Continue reading »