
Tue, 25/04/2023 - 08:42
Media tune starts to change on the supposed ‘international’ definition as coalition civic organisations tell UN that it will put its own staff at risk if they approve right-wingers’ favourite tool to suppress pro-Palestinian speech A coalition of 104 civic society groups from an array of nations – including Israel – have written publicly to […]
Thu, 13/04/2023 - 08:23
Prosecutor forced to accept her blue badge claim was wrong – but accuses pro-Palestinian activist of making mobile call while he was locked up with no phone and causes fury after bypassing proper cross-examination An apparently key plank in the prosecution’s case against Jewish activist Tony Greenstein – one of five people on trial for […]
Wed, 12/04/2023 - 10:18
Prosecution attempts to pick holes in account of Jewish campaigner for Palestinian human rights and anti-arms industry activist draw groans On Tuesday, Skwawkbox attended the trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court of five Palestine Action (PA) activists charged by the state with planning to damage the Shenstone, Lichfield factory of Israeli weapons manufacturer Elbit Sytems, when […]
Sat, 08/04/2023 - 03:25

The Indonesian government's refusal to host the Israeli team as part of the Under-20 World Cup highlights the hypocrisy of Western human rights activists, argues Dr. Ramzy Baroud.

The post The Price of Solidarity: Palestine, Indonesia and the Entitlement of Western “Human Rights” Activism appeared first on MintPress News.

Wed, 05/04/2023 - 20:03

The illusion of a cohesive Israel, an Israel that is a miraculous success, exists only in the minds of privileged Israeli and some diaspora Jews. Some European politicians may also believe this to be the case, having been convinced by Jews in their countries. But it was never the case.

The post Netanyahu’s Power Grab Is Shattering the Myth of a United, Democratic Israel appeared first on