
Tue, 14/11/2023 - 23:00

Joe Biden’s response to the Hamas attacks of October 7 was to fuse the wars in Israel and Ukraine into a single struggle. Immediately after he returned from his visit to Tel Aviv, where he had both literally and figuratively embraced Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden addressed the US public from the Oval Office. “You know,” he […]

The post Biden’s Selective Outrage appeared first on The New York Review of Books.

Tue, 31/10/2023 - 17:52

The CEO of one of the world’s leading tech conferences was forced to resign after criticizing Israel’s assault on Gaza. He was quickly replaced by one of the industry’s most prominent US government-affiliated regime change specialists.  Europe’s biggest tech conference, Web Summit, has appointed a veteran US regime-change operative named Katherine Maher as its new CEO, just days after founder Paddy Cosgrave stepped down from the position following an industry-wide backlash to his suggestion that Israel forces have carried out […]

The post US regime change activist named Web Summit CEO after founder forced out for condemning Israeli ‘war crimes’ first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post US regime change activist named Web Summit CEO after founder forced out for condemning Israeli ‘war crimes’ appeared first on The Grayzone.

Sat, 07/10/2023 - 11:14

The arrest of US regime change operatives in Tbilisi suggests a coup against Georgia’s government could be in the works. As Ukraine’s counteroffensive fails, the West appears eager to open a new front in its proxy war. On September 29, in a disclosure ignored by the entire Western media, the US government-run Radio Free Europe’s Russian-language portal Slobodna Evropa revealed that three foreign operatives had been summoned for questioning by the Georgian Security Service, for allegedly assisting opposition elements prepare […]

The post A Maidan 2.0 color revolution looms in Georgia first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post A Maidan 2.0 color revolution looms in Georgia appeared first on The Grayzone.