
Mon, 13/05/2024 - 04:55
With a couple of minutes Googling, your favourite Martian could be well informed on the role of government in the Australian economy from the moment of the arrival of the British colonialists. It’s been big. Colonial and other governments have not only provided legal and economic frameworks within which private organisations can work, they’ve done Continue reading »
Sun, 12/05/2024 - 04:56
The commentary that surrounds the Federal Budget is a noise of dissatisfaction and ‘negative bias’. The reality is that the ‘power of constant attack’ will make it harder to co-operate together, in bipartisan fashion, on crucial matters. Is there another way? My cousin has written of the courage and fortitude of our farming forebears. They Continue reading »
Mon, 06/05/2024 - 04:58
Is capitalism capable of long term meaningful reform? This is perhaps the most import of issues to address, given that environmental disaster is becoming an inevitability under the present watch of capitalism. When reading the recent articles in P&I by Michaël Keating on the need for a different approach to understand the impact of technology Continue reading »
Mon, 06/05/2024 - 04:50
Twenty-three years ago, a Chinese-Australian solar scientist moved from Sydney to Wuxi to build China’s solar panel manufacturing industry from scratch, using technology developed in Australian universities. Shi Zhengrong became the world’s first clean energy billionaire, nicknamed “The Sun King”. China went on to dominate global solar panel manufacturing and, thanks to a mix of Continue reading »
Sun, 05/05/2024 - 04:53
This was not always my view. Like most people I examined where I could minimize my tax – where there were offsets to be gained through education, membership of professional bodies, charity donations, equipment, including computer hardwater/software/paper etc. I also had shares and a rental property so used negative gearing and imputation credits. It all Continue reading »