The Americas Blog

Tue, 10/01/2023 - 07:22

In the previous post, we looked at the difference-in-difference models of Escobari and Hoover. We noted that they all show the same thing, suffering from the same problem. To identify fraud, they require that however much more the results at the late-transmitting polling stations favored Morales when contrasted with the early ones, they ought to […]

The post The Grand Switcheroo: Escobari and Hoover Reinterpret Their Results to Misidentify Fraud appeared first on Center for Economic and Policy Research.

Sat, 07/01/2023 - 06:49

This is the eleventh in a series of blog posts addressing a report by Diego Escobari and Gary Hoover covering the 2019 presidential election in Bolivia. Their conclusions do not hold up to scrutiny, as we observe in our report Nickels Before Dimes. Here, we expand upon various claims and conclusions that Escobari and Hoover make […]

The post Red Herrings: Escobari and Hoover’s Geographic Controls and Common Trends Add Nothing appeared first on Center for Economic and Policy Research.

Sat, 17/12/2022 - 03:36

This is the tenth in a series of blog posts addressing a report by Diego Escobari and Gary Hoover covering the 2019 presidential election in Bolivia. Their conclusions do not hold up to scrutiny, as we observe in our report Nickels Before Dimes. Here, we expand upon various claims and conclusions that Escobari and Hoover […]

The post Escobari and Hoover Make an Improper Comparison to 2016, Invalidating Their “Difference-in-Difference” Estimates appeared first on Center for Economic and Policy Research.