
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 04:23
Chomsky and Pollin: Just Transition Can Stop Earth From Becoming Uninhabitable Noam Chomsky Interviewed by C.J. Polychroniou June 7, 2023. Truthout.  Climate change is “making our planet uninhabitable,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres in late March. Indeed, the threats of the impending climate crisis have become very tangible, and the world’s top scientists are warning that the Earth […]
Mon, 13/02/2023 - 02:51
Chomsky and Prashad: Cuba is not a state sponsor of terrorism Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad February 12, 2023. Peoples Dispatch. Cuba, a country of eleven million people, has been under an illegal embargo by the United States government for over six decades. Despite this embargo, Cuba’s people have been able to transcend the indignities […]
Sat, 03/12/2022 - 05:52
‘Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy’: From UN Peacekeeper to U.S. Sentinel State In this long read, author John Price works with Noam Chomsky to respond to Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy. December 2, 2022. rabble.ca. In a recent article in the Ottawa Hill-Times, journalist David Crane asked an important question: “Is Canada trying to match or outdo American hostility to China?” Canada’s […]